Category: Newsletters

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 5

January 23, 2021

Dear MI Friends, I found myself fighting back tears because I was moved by both significant events and by small, routine happenings. The inauguration of Joe Biden, our 46th president, gripped me and elicited strong feelings of appreciation, optimism, and gratitude. It was a powerful experience, and many others said that it had that impact on them, too. “But why?” I wondered. Days have passed yet I continue to ponder […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 4

December 1, 2020

Hi MI Readers, Happy post-Thanksgiving to my USA friends and happy greetings to other readers, too. These are parlous times around the world, but we all, I am sure, have reason to give thanks. Covid vaccines are on the way and while it will take longer than we like to get back to normal, this is encouraging news. Personally, while I am thankful for Zoom I am eager for life […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 3

November 1, 2020

Hi Friends, How are things going for you? I hope that you’re safe and not suffering from too much Zoom fatigue. I’ve talked to many, many teachers and principals, and it seems that everyone is working harder and longer in these COVID days than before. Of course, these difficulties are exacerbated when we don’t get to be with our students in person and experience their smiles and joyful learning. It […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 2

September 20, 2020

Hi MI Friends, These are crazy times. Who could imagine that we are encouraged to wear masks when entering a bank!?! It’s obvious that Covid is taking an emotional toll on everyone, adults and kids. I work with many teachers and administrtors in in my role at the University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) and I know how hard everyone is working. Teachers and principals are spending more time now than […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 1

July 14, 2020

Hi MI Friends, These times are unique, uncertain, and dangerous. How’s that for a formula for stress! I hope you are safe and healthy. Recently I was Zooming with hundreds of educators in Argentina, and at the end of the presentation, the host, Alastair Grant, asked me what advice I had for teachers. First, I replied, we all need to step back and take a deep breath and make sure […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 8

June 13, 2020

Hello to MI Friends, We are experiencing two pandemics. COVID-19 has changed our lives for months, inhibiting our actions and causing illness and death. And now a racial pandemic engulfs us. The Coronavirus is a relatively new phenomenon; it has been around less than a year and has spread exponentially for months. The racial virus, “a harmful or corrupting agency,” is even more pernicious. Racism in this country goes back […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 7

May 27, 2020

Hi MI Friends, Years ago, Pat Bolanos, the visionary principal of the Key School in Indianapolis, the first MI school, and I were on a panel, discussing MI implementation. In her opening remarks, she stated that they arranged their school schedule so that each intelligence received an equal number of instructional minutes during the school day. I expressed admiration because I knew how difficult this would be to do and […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 6

April 2, 2020

Hi MI Friends, These are strange and scary times. Covid-19 continues to take its toll in actual lives and in the emotional distress and angst that we all share. As in any crisis – fortunately, as in every crisis – some people and roles step forward as heroes, even though they neither sought fame nor are comfortable with our praise. Gratitude and admiration go to everyone working in health care, […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 4

January 29, 2020

Greetings MI Fans, Are you ready for spring? Soon, schools in the northern hemisphere will have to confront the February Doldrums. Winter break was ages ago, spring break is too far away to contemplate, the weather is cold, and the skies are gray. Is it any wonder that students – and staff members – get a bit restless? Well, one strategy to de-doldrum (sorry!) is to ensure that people of […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 3

December 3, 2019

Hello to MI Fans! This issue features an article by Pam Clark, a Resource Teacher for the Gifted and an Instructional Coach in VA, who has been using MI for almost 30 years. As you’ll see from her intentions and activities, Pam is a sensational teacher. It’s clear that she’s the kind of teacher who connects with kids and helps them grow in a powerful way. In no small part, […]


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