Category: Newsletters

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 2

October 10, 2019

Greetings, MI Fans! From an educational perspective, using MI simply means recognizing and capitalizing on how students learn. Who could argue with that logic?!? Well, the short-answer is quite a few people. Folks who don’t accept MI either don’t understand it or reject the idea because it doesn’t comport with their narrow and rather simplistic view of the world. Simply looking around and seeing who succeeds makes the case for […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 29, No 1

August 14, 2019

Happy New School Year! Hi MI Fans, It’s the time of year when schools are embedded in enthusiasm. Everywhere (at least in the Northern hemisphere!), teachers, principals, and students are anticipating the start of another school year. Remember, educators, the kids are as nervous about day #1 as are you! Thinking about the role that MI can play in how classrooms are presented and how the year begins can start […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 8

May 23, 2019

Greetings MI Fans! We typically think of MI as a tool to help preschool and K-12 students learn, and that makes a lot of sense. What could be more logical than enabling students to learn through their intelligence-strengths? Yes, students need to master the 3 R’s, but capitalizing on their MI offers them more ways to learn. But the power of MI is just as valid with adults. Our MI […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 7

March 1, 2019

Greetings! I hope that your school year is going well and that you’re looking at students through all the facets of their intelligences potential. Having an MI perspective means recognizing that people learn differently and have different intelligence-strengths because of their MI Profile. The proof for MI is all around us. Simply look at how others learn and consider what learning approach works best for you. Some people learn linguistically […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 6

January 13, 2019

Welcome Readers, I hope that your 2019 has begun in a positive MI way. I hope that you are working to find ways for your kids to use all of their intelligences in learning. Regardless of your day job (or whether you even have a day job), I also hope that you are using the intelligences that give you flow. And, of course, I must ask if you are venturing […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 5

December 1, 2018

Greetings, MI Fans! Will you be using your Naturalist Intelligence in the near future? Howard Gardner states that intelligence is the ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings, and my experience is that today people give less attention to the Naturalist than other intelligences. This lack of cultural recognition is a reflection of the times in which we live. After […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 4

November 1, 2018

Hi to MI Fans, What are your strongest intelligences??? A few folks contacted me after the last Intelligence Connections issue when I initially raised the question, and shared their strongest intelligences. The lingustic, logical-mathematical, and interpersonal intelligences were mentioned most often. (Perhaps that is logical since most of the readers are educators?!?) L to R: Armstrong, Hoerr, Shearer, Gardner. Some folks said that they don’t know because they’ve not had […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 3

October 1, 2018

Greetings MI Fans, What’s your strongest intelligence? If you’re like most people, two or three possibilities come to mind. You may even say, “Well, there are a couple that are equally strong.” While we each have a unique MI profile – some of our intelligences are stronger than others – we all have a few areas of MI strengths. The fact that we possesses strengths in different intelligences has implications […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 2

September 1, 2018

Greetings MI Fans, I hope your school year has started off well and that you’ve been creating opportunities for your students to learn through all of their intelligences. “All” is a big word, so perhaps you begin by working to fit one non-scholastic intelligence into your teaching. How might you incorporate the spatial intelligence – art, drawing, maps, design – into your curriculum and instruction, for example? Or what about […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 28, No 1

August 1, 2018

Greetings, MI Fans! Welcome back! What happened to U.S. schools starting after Labor Day?!? On the chance that you are looking for an amazing book to read, I highly, highly recommend Educated by Tara Westover. It is a gripping story! Westover recounts being raised by fundamentalist Mormons in Idaho,with no birth certificate, never seeing a doctor, and not attending school until age 18. Her journey is fascinating and frustrating, and […]


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