Category: Newsletters

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 32, No 2

November 20, 2022

Greetings MI Fans, This newsletter presents two perspectives on MI. First, I write about the hierarchy inherent in the terms “gifted” and “talented,” and argue that we need to expand how we think about “gifted” to include all of the intelligences. Special thanks to Megan Roegner, teacher of gifted students at Lindbergh High School (MO), for helping me ponder this issue. Any errors or misinterpretations, though, are mine. The second […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 32, No 1

September 20, 2022

Greetings Fans of Multiple Intelligences, I hope that your school year has begun on a positive note. Covid hasn’t gone away but life seems getting back to normal in schools. However – and it’s a big however – our students’ scholastic progress slowed during Covid, and many educators have told me that there is a corresponding loss in students’ personal intelligences, their ability to manage themselves and relate to others. […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 31, No 5

May 9, 2022

Greetings MI Fans, Spring has finally sprung in this section of the Northern Hemisphere (MO) and it feels good to be able to use the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence outside. It’s not nearly as much fun to walk on a treadmill as to be outside. That said, years ago Howard Gardner convened the group of us who had written for his book, MI Around the World, and an educator from Norway talked […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 31, No 4

February 12, 2022

Dear MI Advocates, Here’s a belated Happy 2022! Let’s hope that life is a bit more boring than it was in 2021. But things aren’t boring in education at all. Beyond the debates and inequities that the pandemic has caused, we are seeing a reconsideration of the role of standardized tests, at least in college admissions decisions. The headlines* yell significance: “Harvard Has Dropped Its SAT and ACT Admissions Requirements […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 31, No 3

December 15, 2021

Greetings MI Fans! I hope that things are going well for you – as well as possible in these Covid days. The last thing we should do is ignore this terrible disease, but the reality is that life goes on (thankfully!). So this issue of Intelligence Connections focuses on assessment. I begin with a video that looks at MI, SEL, and place. Thanks to the Michigan chapter of The Association […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 31, No 2

November 15, 2021

Greetings MI Fans! This issue of Intelligence Connections focuses on the Spatial Intelligence After reading Frames of Mind, my awareness of MI caused me to look more directly at the role that intelligences play in our lives. My focus on SEL and in identifying the Formative Five success skills comes directly from learning about and studying the personal intelligences. “Who you are is more important than what you know” reflects […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 31, No 1

September 1, 2021

Greetings MI Fans, Note: This issue has a small homework assignment! I hope that your school year has begun well and that you can sense your students’ smiles, queries, and frustrations through their masks. Just like a good performer, good teachers use their interpersonal intelligence to read their audiences and then adjust and modify their presentations based on what they discerned. Good teaching is always an interaction. No surprise, this […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 7

June 17, 2021

Dear MI Friends, Happy summer or winter, depending upon the hemisphere in which you reside. Regardless of your latitude, I hope that you are vaccinated and life is returning to normal. I begin with an apology because this issue of Intelligence Connections, Volume 30 Number 7, is way overdue. My problem (this problem, anyway) is that I switched email platforms – twice! Moving to a new platform and then moving […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 6

April 12, 2021

Hi to MI Fans, Thankfully, it appears that just maybe we are nearing returning to normal from Covid-19. I continue to ponder how this experience has changed education. I will be surprised (and disappointed) if we simply return to educating the way we’ve always done it. I will share more about this in a future newsletter. Applause goes to the health care workers who have bravely taken care of everyone […]

Multiple Intelligences Newsletter, Vol 30, No 5

January 23, 2021

Dear MI Friends, I found myself fighting back tears because I was moved by both significant events and by small, routine happenings. The inauguration of Joe Biden, our 46th president, gripped me and elicited strong feelings of appreciation, optimism, and gratitude. It was a powerful experience, and many others said that it had that impact on them, too. “But why?” I wondered. Days have passed yet I continue to ponder […]


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